All Mavic articles

  • mavic-pro-bicycle-logo

    New Mavic Group presents a clear roadmap for the future


    After last year’s insolvency of Mavic, the French bicycle component manufacturer previously owned by Amer Sports; its acquisition by the Bourrelier Group, was followed by a period of silence, at least on the surface. Order books were maintained at a high level. Now, with the unveiling of its latest product ...

  • News briefs

    Mavic is saved by Bourrelier


    The Grenoble Commercial Court has named the Bourrelier group as the new owner of Mavic, the historic French brand of cycling accessories specializing in high-tech wheels that was recently divested by Amer Sports. Mavic went into receivership in May, as reported by SGI Europe on May 11, after posting a ...

  • News briefs

    Mavic is up for sale again


    Mavic, the French-based producer of bike components, is again up for sale, according to Candidates to the takeover have been given until June 2 to express their interest in the company, which was divested by Amer Sports in mid-2019. Mavic was placed in receivership at a French court in ...